At the North Carolina Synod Assembly on June 3, Lutheran Services Carolinas officially kicked off its Be the Light capital campaign. Ted Goins, LSC president and CEO, and Betty Lohr, Be the Light co-chair, introduced the $4.2 million campaign.
Of that goal, $3.2 million will go to projects and programs that impact North Carolina children, adults, and families. Funds will support programs like foster care and will help adults facing varying life challenges, including traumatic brain injuries, to live healthy, purposeful lives. The rest will create an endowment, For the Children, which is designed to meet the needs of children in North Carolina for years to come.
“Whether it is a vulnerable child, a refugee, an individual with developmental disability or a brain injury, or a young person transitioning out of foster care, we are all called to let God’s light shine and serve those who might otherwise go unserved or underserved,” Lohr said as she introduced the Be the Light video.
The North Carolina Synod designates one organization or initiative at a time to conduct a campaign like Be the Light. LSC has until December 31, 2023, to educate North Carolina Lutherans about LSC’s important work in the state and invite them to financially support the campaign.
In 2020 and so far in 2021, LSC has been meeting with its closest friends and asking them to make lead gifts to the campaign. As of June 3, LSC had raised $1,008,801 toward the goal.
LSC is in the process of recruiting and training many volunteers who will work with councils and campaigns in their congregations to raise the remaining amount. During the assembly, LSC challenged congregations to contact the LSC office to commit to bringing the Be the Light campaign to their churches. The first 10 got a sweet reward: a jar of “Ted’s Famous Honey.”
Along with Lohr, a member of Holy Trinity in Hickory, Frances Lamb of St. Paul’s in Wilmington is co-chair for the campaign. Co-chairing the Be the Light Congregation Committee are the Rev. Gregory B. Williams of Grace in Hendersonville and the Rev. Wolfgang Herz-Lane at Christ the King in Cary.
“We are thankful for all the volunteers who are supporting Be the Light,” said Heidi Rixman, director of development for LSC.
To learn more about who the Be the Light campaign will help, watch the video here:
For more information about LSC and the campaign visit