Lutheran Services Carolinas Earns 2020 Silver Seal of Transparency

Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC) just earned two 2020 Silver Seals— one for Lutheran Family Services and another for Lutheran Services for the Aging— by adding information to its Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar. Now LSC’s community members as well as 10+ million GuideStar users can find in-depth financial information about the organization. These Seals indicate LSC’s commitment to transparency and help to expand funding opportunities for the organization.

According to GuideStar, the Seals of Transparency are meant to build on each other. A nonprofit earns the Bronze Seal by providing basic information―mission, leadership team and board names, basic program information, etc. Once an organization has earned a Bronze Seal, it can share financial information to earn Silver; qualitative information about goals, strategies, and vision to earn Gold; and, finally, metrics to show the progress made toward its mission to earn the highest seal, Platinum. LSC is now working to achieve the Gold Seal.

Check out LSC’s GuideStar profiles at https://www.guidestar.org/profile/56-1286323 and https://www.guidestar.org/profile/56-0752160.