Osbornes named Philanthropists of the Year for North Carolina

Zach and Jessica Osborne are LSC’s Philanthropists of the Year for North Carolina.

LSC is blessed to have so many wonderful donors each year, and their support is critical to helping LSC fulfill its mission, “Empowered by Christ, we talk together with all we serve.” The Philanthropist of the Year awards were created to give special recognition to select donors who demonstrate exceptional care for LSC. These awards recognize individual or families who have shown extraordinary financial commitment and whole-hearted support for LSC.

“Zach and I are humbled, stunned, and thrilled to be named the LSC Philanthropists of the Year. We have really enjoyed working alongside this impactful organization,” Jessica Osborne said.

Zach and Jessica Osborne are part of LSC’s Everyday Hero group and are heroes in more ways than one. Zach Osborne is a former United States Army officer, he volunteers with refugees through his church, and he and his family are dedicated to supporting LSC.

“Giving to Lutheran Services Carolinas, we really appreciate it as a family because it’s an outlet to give to an organization that we know is having a real positive impact,” Zach Osborne said. “Somebody’s life each day is tangibly different because LSC is involved and having the opportunity to give to an organization that I have confidence is providing that highly impactful service, makes me feel great.”

Personal experience creates a life of giving

During his time in the Army, Zach Osborne was stationed in Afghanistan where he formed a relationship with an interpreter who earned the right to become a United States citizen for his assistance.

“Our deployment was pretty dangerous, and he did three years of that. He certainly provided a great service to the U.S. during that time,” Zach Osborne said.

When the three years were complete, the interpreter applied for his VISA, and Osborne witnessed how complicated the process was. It took an additional two years after he applied for him to be cleared to leave. The interpreter eventually made it to the United States and joined its military.

Zach Osborne believes that experience coupled with his church’s work with LSC and refugees, led him to begin financially supporting the organization. He and his family have a heart for the immigrant.

“Jesus calls us to protect the vulnerable and to help the immigrant. If you want to talk about somebody who is vulnerable, one of the most vulnerable people is someone that no state claims,” he said. “This is why they are incredibly vulnerable, and I think that’s why we are called to take care of them.”

EveryDay Heroes

Zach and Jessica Osborne live in Raleigh with their four children: Sawyer, Rhett, Violet, and Asher.

Since the couple make recurring gifts to LSC, they are members of its EveryDay Heroes group. Everyday Heroes support the LSC ministry through a recurring gift on a monthly, quarterly, or annual schedule. This reliable and consistent source of support allows LSC to continue the work that helps so many seniors, children, and families in the Carolinas.

“I was really impressed with the day-to-day work of the LSC employees that I came in contact with through our church’s refugee work. They walk hand-in-hand with those folks day-in and day-out, through the good times and the challenging times,” Zach Osborne said.

Zach Osborne says he also appreciates the other programs that LSC has across North and South Carolina, but his heart is with refugees.

“I think that if the average person just went and spent a day with an LSC employee working with a refugee family, you will see that refugees are people; people are people, it doesn’t matter where they are from,” Osborne said. “They (refugees) are particularly vulnerable and there’s a lot that we individually can do to help them and there’s a lot we as a country can do to help them. That’s a really exciting opportunity, in my opinion.”