Parker named WOW Award winner in North Carolina

Curtis Parker, a volunteer for Trinity Place in Albemarle, is the 2022 LSC WOW (Worker of Wonders) Award winner for North Carolina.

He was presented with the award during a Shepherd Society dinner at Trinity Oaks in Salisbury.

“This is very humbling. I don’t do it for any kind of awards,” Parker said. “I just do it because I love it.”

The WOW Award honors LSC volunteers who offer exemplary service and demonstrate significant dedication to the LSC ministry. For 2022, one volunteer in North Carolina and one volunteer in South Carolina were selected as WOW recipients.

Parker began volunteering at Trinity Place in 2016. He lives in Kannapolis, but is the minister of Albemarle Church of Christ, which is across the street from the senior living community.

“This being the ministry next door, I just have the heart to work with the residents here,” Parker said. “It just felt normal to me.”

Trinity Place Life Enrichment Director Cora Ingle nominated Parker for this award. In her nomination form she said he has a great relationship with all the residents. He leads a Bible study, has monthly devotionals, and comes by on Sunday evenings to take residents to church services.

His church is also part of the community’s Adopt-A-Hall program at Christmas where they provide gifts for residents.

“He’s a cornerstone here. He’s never stopped visiting and is always dependable,” Ingle said. “We are so thrilled he is part of our program.”

For Parker, volunteering is a connection to one of his favorite devotions from Acts Chapter 3 in the Bible where Peter heals a lame beggar. The scripture says, ““Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

“When you think about folks who volunteer their time, they are giving you what they have. There may not be a lot of material blessings, but sometimes time is the most precious thing you can give someone,” Parker said. “That’s what matters most. That’s how I try to live my life, so I’m truly blessed. I’m blessed to be working with such a great organization as Trinity Place.”