Putting credit where it belongs

The following Goings On column appeared in the Lutheran Home – Hickory (now Trinity Village) newsletter in March 1998.  Change “Home” and “Lutheran Home” to Lutheran Services Carolinas or any LSC program and it’s still relevant 24 years later!


Thomas Jefferson said, “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”  That should be one of our regular teaching moments at the Lutheran Home.  We have had a string of successes lately, which each member of our recent family can be proud of.  NO DEFICIENCY state inspection, two statewide awards, leadership in our industry, and some of the kindest thank-you notes from families and friends of the Home.

We are careful to put the credit where it belongs, which is a number of places.  We always start and end with God. Right after our wonderful state inspection, we didn’t throw a party.  We organized a worship service to give thanks. Another key credit belongs to our dedication to family. We are all bound together: residents, staff, families.  When we had the worship service, we included everyone, because everyone is a part of that success.

Another source of credit for success comes out of Jefferson’s quote.  The Lutheran Home family works very hard. Those successes don’t come easily.  Some might even call it luck.  But as hard as everyone works here to get along and to find better ways, success (luck?) is bound to follow.

We are so fortunate to have each other and to have what you created.  Let’s remember to thank God every day for our good luck and to work hard to keep it that way.

Thank you all for your commitment to our continued success.

-Ted Goins