Statement from LSC President Ted Goins on Afghanistan

God and Country. Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC) has already resettled six American allies from Afghanistan into the Carolinas, five more are on the way, and LSC has pledged to resettle as many more as is humanly possible. The United States is bringing out the Afghans who supported our troops for the last twenty years, Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders.

I am deeply concerned over the swift collapse of the Afghanistan government, especially considering the injuries and deaths of thousands of our American military heroes, along with the millions of Afghans who will suffer. Of greatest concern to me now is the memory of our American dead and injured heroes, and the safety of the Afghan SIVs/heroes who supported our American forces.

LSC coordinates housing, transportation, education, trauma care, and jobs to give these heroes a new start in a grateful nation.

Lutheran Services Carolinas has been gearing up for months to serve God and Country in this sad moment.

LSC invites your prayers and support as we strive to fulfill our vision of abundant life for all.

Click here to read some of the latest updates on the situation.

If you want to learn more about LSC’S Refugee and Immigrant Services program, click here.

The program also offers virtual volunteer interest sessions every Wednesday. The first is from 11 a.m.- noon and the information to join is below:

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Meeting ID: 841 0310 0798
Passcode: Welcome

The second session is from noon to 1 p.m. and the information to join is below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 4636 5058
Passcode: Welcome