We Walk Together: A letter from LSC President Ted Goins to our teammates

Dear Teammates,

In over thirty years with Lutheran Services Carolinas, I have never been so proud of the LSC team!

In the midst of the greatest national tragedy since the Influenza Epidemic of 1918, the LSC team continues to fulfill our mission. That’s the LSC Way!

Our elders and health-compromised clients are at great risk, as are our teammates who care for them. You can’t go home and shelter! You come to work every day to keep our residents/clients safe, healthy, and smiling. And behind you are some teammates who are supporting, coordinating, and administrating. It takes the whole team!

There are darker days ahead as COVID-19 works its way through. Maybe even more than in the good times, we need to focus on our Vision, Mission and Values. When times are darkest, let’s build each other up with words from our Mission Statement: We Walk Together.

God bless you all your days, and as We Walk Together in the days ahead.

Yours in Christ,

Ted W. Goins, Jr.

President and CEO